Showing 1 of 1 |
Unidentified does not have an image.
"Kewpie" Doll 1968.6.a
"Kewpie" Doll 1968.64
"Kewpie" Doll 1968.66.a-c
"Knock Out Champs" Mechanical Boxers 1968.425.a-c
"Lyme Artists" A Silent Film 1998.11.1.a&b
"War of Words" Playing Cards 1968.230
Adz 1973.1.5
Andiron X1972.129
Andirons 1977.19.1.a&b
Andirons 1978.39.a&b
Andirons X1972.237.a&b
Apron 1982.32.a&b
Apron 1982.84
Apron 1982.129.54
Apron 1982.129.56
Apron 1992.246
Arm Chair 1973.21.3
Arm Chairs 1984.10.2.a&b
Assorted Nason Studio Tools 1992.263
Atomizer 1992.240
Auger X1972.225
Auger X1972.226
Auger X1972.229
Auger X1972.230
Aviary 1986.8.3
Awl 1973.1.2
Bag 1992.233
Banding Plane 1972.2
Bark Spud X1972.81
Barn Block 1995.4
Barrel 1977.19.6
Barrel 1982.134
Barrel Cover X1972.28
Basket C1974.324
Basket and Tray 1959.36.a&b
Bathing Suit 1982.129.4.a&b
Bathing Suit 1982.129.5.a&b
Bathing Suit 1982.129.6.a&b
Beadwork 1995.28.11.a-f
Beadworking Supplies 1995.28.10
Bed 1984.5
Bed - From The Bessie Mitchell Doll House 1968.735.30
Bed = From The Bessie Mitchell Doll House 1968.735.10
Bedspread 1982.132
Bedspread 1993.6.1
Bedspread - From The Bessie Mitchell Doll House 1968.735.28
Bee Smoker X1972.228
Beeswax 1992.239
Bell 1985.31.4
Bell Pull C1974.299
Bellpull 1995.28.9
Belt 1982.140.4
Belt 1982.154.37
Beret 1982.129.47
Betty Lamp 1973.10.1
Bib C1974.146
Bit X1972.107
Bit X1972.108
Bit X1972.109
Bit X1972.110
Bit X1972.112
Black basalt coffee pot 1959.266
Blanket 1982.99
Blanket C1974.295
Blanket C1974.328
Blocks 1989.95.a&b
Blocks: Aunt Louisa's Cubes of Household Pets 1968.222.a-g
Bloomers 1982.3
Bloomers 1982.133.7
Bloomers 1982.133.8
Bloomers 1988.12.3
Bloomers 1988.12.4.a&b
Blouse C1974.49
Blouse C1974.53
Blouse C1974.73
Blouse C1974.115 a,b
Blouse C1974.116
Blouse C1974.117
Blouse 1982.129.13
Blouse 1982.133.6
Blouse 1982.154.20
Blouse 1983.1.34
Blouse C1974.262
Blouse C1974.300
Blunt-tipped Tool 1992.263.14
Bodice C1974.139
Bodice C1974.197
Bodice C1974.210 a
Bodice of Dress C1974.131
Bolster Cover C1974.120
Bonnet 1973.13.4
Bonnet C1974.134
Bonnet 1982.2
Bonnet C1974.220
Bonnet 1982.10
Bonnet 1982.13
Bonnet 1982.14
Bonnet 1982.36
Bonnet 1982.53
Bonnet 1982.129.39
Bonnet 1982.129.40
Bonnet 1982.129.41
Bonnet 1982.129.43
Bonnet 1982.129.44
Bonnet 1982.129.57
Bonnet 1982.154.8
Bonnet 1982.154.9
Bonnet 1982.154.10
Bonnet 1982.154.11
Bonnet 1982.154.17
Bonnet C1974.311
Bonnet C1974.312
Bonnet C1974.315
Bonnet C1974.316
Bonnet C1974.325
Bonnet C1974.329
Bonnet C1974.330
Bonnet C1974.333
Bonnet C1974.335
Bonnet C1974.336
Bonnet C1974.346
Bonnet C1974.354
Bonnet C1974.356
Bonnet C1974.357
Bookplate 1992.305.3
Bookplate Cut Out 1992.305.4
Bootie 1982.88
Booties 1982.86 a&b
Bootjack 1964.57
Boots 1982.119.1.a&b
Boots 1982.129.53.a&b
Boots 1983.1.38.a&b
Boots 1995.28.1.a&b
Bootscraper 1981.89.1
Bootscraper 1981.89.2
Bottle 2001.20
Bottle 2001.26
Bowl 1978.96.4d
Bowl X1972.8
Bowl 1980.57
Bowl 1980.58
Bowl P1974.80
Bowl P1974.77
Bowl 1981.30
Bowl 1985.9.51
Bowl P1974.101
Bowling Set 1968.746.a-m
Box 1964.65
Box 1964.66
Box 1964.84
Box X1972.3.a&b
Box X1972.115
Box X1972.243.a&b
Box 1992.260
Box for Playing Cards 1974.6.9
Box of Acrylic Paints and Goldleaf 1992.257.10
Box of Assorted Inks 1992.252.a-n
Box of Craypas 1992.257.7
Box of Graphite Pencils 1992.257.9
Box of Oil Paints 1992.257.11
Box of Pastels 1992.257.1
Box of Watercolors 1992.257
Boy's Shirt C1974.69
Boys Dress C1974.57
Brace X1972.92
Branding Iron 1974.21
Brayer 1992.244
Brayer 1992.244.1
Brayer 1992.244.2
Brayer 1992.244.3
Brayer 1992.244.4
Brayer 1992.244.5
Brayer Handle 1992.244.6
Brayer Roller 1992.244.7
Brayer Roller Box 1992.244.7.a
Bread Tin 1992.277
Broad Axe 1964.75
Brown Nylon Dauber 1993.2.9
Brush Hook 1964.129
Brush Pen 1992.288
Bucket X1972.29.a&b
Bucket - From the Bessie Mitchell Dollhouse 1968.735.92
Bucket - From the Bessie Mitchell Dollhouse 1968.735.93
Bucket - From the Bessie Mitchell Dollhouse 1968.735.94
Buckle 1985.12.4
Buckshot 1992.264.6.a
Buckshot 1992.264.66
Buffet - From the Bessie Mitchell Dollhouse 1968.735.57
Bureau = From The Bessie Mitchell Doll House 1968.735.5
Bureau Scarf 1982.123
Burnisher 1993.2.2
Burnisher 1992.301.a
Burnisher 1992.301.b
Burnisher/Scraper 1992.301.c
Burnishers 1993.2.17.a&b
Burnishing Tool 1992.285.7
Burnishing Tool 1992.285.8
Bustle C1974.80
Bustle C1974.215
Bustle C1974.216
Bustle 1983.1.21
Butter Churn X1972.84.a-e
Butter Churn X1972.125.a-e
Butter Churn X1972.130.a&b
Butter Dish 1981.17 a&b
Butter Mold 1964.59
Butter Worker X1972.16.a&b
Buttonhook X1972.175
Buttonhook 1979.10.14
Buttress X1972.227
Caliper Instructions 1992.261.3
Calipers 1992.261
Calipers 1992.261.1
Calipers 1992.261.2
Calipers 1992.263.6
Calipers 1992.263.7
Calipers 1992.263.8
Calipers 1992.266
Calligraphy Brush 1992.286.3
Camisole 1982.154.19
Camisole C1974.281
Camisole C1974.282
Candle Extinguisher 1972.1.3
Candle Holder with Pricket X1972.238.a&b
Candle Holders - From the Bessie Mitchell Dollhouse 1968.735.108
Candle Mold X1972.22
Candle Snuffer 1972.1.2
Candlebox 1972.1.1
Candlestand 1996.13
Candlestick X1972.37
Candlesticks 1978.42.a&b
Candlewick Bedspread X1972.142
Cane 1978.19
Cane 1978.20
Cane 1978.21
Cane 1978.23
Cane 1978.24
Cane 1978.25
Cane 1978.63
Cane 1978.85
Cane 1978.86
Cane 1992.4.2.a-n
Cane belonging to William Noyes 1978.18
Canister X1972.116.a&b
Canteen 1992.4.3
Cap X1972.165
Cap C1974.149
Cap C1974.150
Cap C1974.221
Cap 1982.154.12
Cap 1982.154.13
Cap 1982.154.14
Cap 1982.154.15
Cap 1982.154.16
Cap 1983.1.18
Cap C1974.255
Cap 1988.12.2
Cape 1983.13
Cape C1974.141
Cape C1974.142
Cape C1974.155
Cape C1974.183
Cape 1982.154.1
Cape C1974.198
Cape C1974.205
Cape 1982.154.2
Cape C1974.251
Cape 1983.3.30
Cape C1974.321
Card 1973.8.15
Card 1973.8.16
Card Case 1983.1.5
Card Game 1968.728
Carpenter's Mallet 1982.139.2
Carpet Bag C1974.81
Cat Figurine 1989.80
Ceramic Jar from the Chadwick Studio S1993.7.3
Ceramic Jar with Lid and Base from the Chadwick Studio S1993.7.4.a-c
Chair 1992.283
Chair - From the Bessie Mitchell Dollhouse 1968.735.47
Chair - From the Bessie Mitchell Dollhouse 1968.735.48
Chair - From the Bessie Mitchell Dollhouse 1968.735.49
Chair - From the Bessie Mitchell Dollhouse 1968.735.56
Chair - From the Bessie Mitchell Dollhouse 1968.735.63
Chair - From the Bessie Mitchell Dollhouse 1968.735.64
Chair - From the Bessie Mitchell Doll House 1968.735.131
Chair - From The Bessie Mitchell Doll House 1968.735.32
Chair - From The Bessie Mitchell Doll House 1968.735.33
Chair - From The Bessie Mitchell Doll House 1968.735.34
Chair - From The Bessie Mitchell Doll House 1968.735.35
Chair - From The Bessie Mitchell Doll House 1968.735.36
Chair - From the Bessie Mitchell Dollhouse 1968.735.19
Chair - From the Bessie Mitchell Dollhouse 1968.735.76
Chair - From the Bessie Mitchell Dollhouse 1968.735.77
Chair - From the Bessie Mitchell Dollhouse 1968.735.113
Chair - From the Bessie Mitchell Dollhouse 1968.735.114
Chair - From the Bessie Mitchell Dollhouse 1968.735.115
Chair = From The Bessie Mitchell Doll House 1968.735.17
Chair = From The Bessie Mitchell Doll House 1968.735.18
Chair, rocking F2003.5.59
Chalk 1993.2.15
Chamber Pot 1978.11.a&b
Chapbook: "A Wishing Well" 1992.306.3
Chapbook: "Closed for Good" 1992.306.1
Chapbook: "From a Milkweed Pod" 1992.306.4
Charcoal 1992.257.5
Charcoal Block 1992.243.4
Charcoal Pencils 1992.257.3
Charger 1959.244
Charm - Covered Wagon 1989.79
Chatelaine 1982.113.15.a&b
Chatelaine 1982.133.15.a&b
Chemise X1972.182
Chemise C1974.132
Chemise C1974.173
Chemise C1974.65
Chemise C1974.66
Chest of Drawers 1978.1
Chest of Drawers F2003.5.55
Chest of Drawers F2003.5.56
Chest of Drawers F2003.5.57
Chest of Drawers F2003.5.60
Child's Chair 1973.22.1
Child's Chair 1973.22.2
Child's Coat C1974.76
Child's Coat 1981.83
Child's Dress X1972.190
Child's Dress C1974.45 a&b
Child's Dress C1974.51
Child's Dress C1974.52
Child's Dress C1974.54
Child's Dress C1974.55
Child's Dress C1974.58
Child's Dress C1974.75
Child's Dress C1974.107
Child's Dress C1974.108
Child's Ironing Board 1968.706
Child's Leggings 1981.82 a&b
Child's Mittens 1978.90 a&b
Child's Mittens 1981.81 a&b
Child's Nightgown C1974.56
Child's Nightgown C1974.59
Child's Nightgown C1974.60
Child's Nightgown C1974.71
Child's Purse 1978.87
Child's Slip C1974.78
Child's Slip C1974.111
Child's Socks 1980.105.2 a & b
Chimney Piece 1979.6.16
Chocolate Service for Two 1981.54.a-j
Christenening Gown C1974.162
Christening Dress C1974.79
Christening Gown C1974.50
Christening Gown C1974.160
Christening Gown C1974.161
Christening Gown 1982.154.25
Christening Gown C1974.293
Christening Gown 1989.6
Christmas Card 1964.94
Christmas Card 1964.95
Christmas Card 1964.96
Christmas Card 1973.8.17
Christmas Card 1973.8.18
Christmas Card 1964.97
Christmas Card 1964.98
Christmas Card 1964.104
Christmas Card 1964.105
Christmas Card 1964.106
Christmas Card 1964.108
Christmas Card 1964.110
Christmas Card 1964.111
Christmas Card 1964.112
Christmas Card 1964.115
Christmas Card 1964.119
Christmas Card 1964.120
Christmas Card 1964.121
Christmas Card 1964.122
Christmas Card 1964.134
Clam Basket 1995.28.12
Clam Rake 1995.28.13
Clip 1992.262.10
Clip 1992.262.12
Cloth Squares 1992.249
Coat C1974.143
Coat C1974.185
Coat C1974.188
Coat C1974.189
Coat 1982.129.55
Coat 1983.1.37
Coat 1983.1.39
Coat 1983.1.43
Coat 1983.3.31
Coat and Hat C1974.190.a&b
Coat rack F2003.5.62
Coffee Pot 1973.2.1
Coin Purse X1972.170
Collar 1993.6.3 f
Collar 1993.6.3 b
Collar 1982.15
Collar 1982.16
Collar 1982.18
Collar 1982.30
Collar 1982.31
Collar 1982.33
Collar 1982.37
Collar 1982.38
Collar 1982.39
Collar 1982.43
Collar 1982.45
Collar 1982.58
Collar 1982.59
Collar 1982.60
Collar 1982.108
Collar 1982.109
Collar 1982.113
Collar 1982.114
Collar 1982.115
Collar 1982.117
Collar 1982.118
Collar 1982.129.26
Collar 1982.129.27
Collar 1982.142
Collar 1982.143
Collar 1982.144
Collar 1982.145
Collar 1982.154.22
Collar 1982.154.23
Collar 1982.154.30 b
Collar C1974.280
Collar and Sleeves C1974.104 a-c
Color Pencils 1992.256
Color Stick Box 1992.252.a
Colored Pencils 1992.280.1-10
Columnar Pedestal Base Card Table 2004.7.3
Comb 1982.137.1
Comb 1982.137.2
Comb 1995.28.2
Comb 1995.28.3
Comb 1995.28.4
Comb 1995.28.5
Comb 1995.28.6
Comb 1995.28.7
Compass 1992.263.11
Compass Case 1992.263.11.a
Compasses 1992.292.a-c
Compote 2001.27
Constitution Mirror 1986.8.1
Conte Crayon Handle 1992.285.13
Conte Replacement Leads 1992.262.8
Coolie Hat 1979.9
Copper Plate 1992.263.5
Copper Plate 1992.285.18
Cork Block 1992.243.5
Corkscrew 1999.24
Corn Planter 1964.73
Corn Sheller 1980.2
Cornhusk Doll 1968.745
Corset 1974.11
Cost of Press List 1992.305.5.a
Couch - From the Bessie Mitchell Dollhouse 1968.735.58
Couch - From the Bessie Mitchell Dollhouse 1968.735.111
Covered Bowl 1985.9.54.a&b
Covered Dish 2002.1.173.a&b
Covered Potpourri Jar P1974.74.a-c
Coverlet 1974.13
Coverlet - Overshot X1972.146
Cow Creamer 1980.82
Cravat 1982.97
Cravat 1982.101
Cravat 1982.102
Cravat 1982.110
Cravat 1983.1.25
Cream Jug 1980.76
Cream Jug 1980.95
Creamer 1977.19.10
Creamer 1973.2.3
Creamer 1978.48
Creamer 1978.96.4e
Creamer 1981.29
Creamer 1981.44
crock F2003.5.72
Cubical Alphabet Box 1957.69.a-c
Cuff 1982.111
Cuffs 1993.6.3 e
Cuffs 1982.1.a&b
Cuffs 1982.112 a&b
Cuffs 1982.129.17 a&b
Cuffs 1982.129.18 a&b
Cuffs 1982.129.19 a&b
Cuffs 1982.129.20
Cuffs 1982.129.21 a&b
Cuffs 1982.129.22 a&b
Cuffs 1982.129.58 a&b
Cuffs 1982.129.59 a&b
Cuffs 1982.129.60 a&b
Cuffs 1993.6.3 i
Cup 1957.74
Cup 1957.75
Cup 1980.91
Cup 1981.25
Cup 1985.9.2
Cup 1985.9.3
Cup 1985.9.4
Cup 1985.9.5
Cup 1985.9.6
Cup 1985.9.7
Cup 1985.9.8
Cup 1985.9.9
Cup 1985.9.10
Cup 1985.9.11
Cup 1985.9.12
Cup 1985.9.13
Cup - From the Bessie Mitchell Doll House 1968.735.121
Cup - From the Bessie Mitchell Doll House 1968.735.122
Cup - From the Bessie Mitchell Doll House 1968.735.123
Cup - From the Bessie Mitchell Dollhouse 1968.735.97
Cup - From the Bessie Mitchell Dollhouse 1968.735.98
Cup and Saucer 1974.6.5.a&b
Cup and Saucer 1978.96.2.a&b
Cup and Saucer 1978.96.3.a&b
Cup and Saucer 1978.96.4 f&g
Cup and Saucer 1978.96.4 h&i
Cup and Saucer 1978.96.4 j&k
Cup and Saucer 1980.71.a&b
Cup and Saucer 1980.77.a&b
Cup and Saucer 1980.78.a&b
Cup and Saucer 1980.92.a&b
Cup and Saucer 1980.93.a-f
Cup and Saucer 1980.94 a & b
Cup and Saucer 1981.42.a&b
Cup and Saucer 1980.70.a&b
Cup and Saucer - From the Bessie Mitchell Doll House 1968.735.125
Cup and Saucer - From the Bessie Mitchell Doll House 1968.735.126
Cup and Saucer - From the Bessie Mitchell Doll House 1968.735.128.a&b
Cup and Saucer - From the Bessie Mitchell Dollhouse 1968.735.120
Curd Breaker X1972.9
Curtain = From The Bessie Mitchell Doll House 1968.735.11
Curtains - From the Bessie Mitchell Dollhouse 1968.735.54
Curtains - From the Bessie Mitchell Dollhouse 1968.735.55
Curtains - From the Bessie Mitchell Dollhouse 1968.735.65
Curtains - From the Bessie Mitchell Dollhouse 1968.735.66
Curtains - From the Bessie Mitchell Dollhouse 1968.735.40
Curtains - From the Bessie Mitchell Dollhouse 1968.735.42
Curtains - From the Bessie Mitchell Dollhouse 1968.735.105
Curtains = From The Bessie Mitchell Doll House 1968.735.13
Curtains = From The Bessie Mitchell Doll House 1968.735.14
Cushion 1992.283.1
Cuticle Tool 1992.299.4
Dabber 1992.234.2
Dalmatian Figurine 1980.81
Daubber 1992.234
Daubber 1992.234.1
Daubber 1992.234.3
Dauber 1993.2.10
Dauber 1993.2.11
Dauber 1993.2.12
Dental Pick and Case 1993.2.19
Dental Tools 1992.285.11-12
Dental Tools 1992.299.8.a&b
Desk 1973.21.2
Desk - From the Bessie Mitchell Dollhouse 1968.735.74
Desk Tray 1992.262
Dessert Dish 1981.34
Dickey C1974.129
Dickey 1982.54
Dickey 1982.56
Dickey 1982.62
Dickey 1982.64
Dickey 1982.66
Dish 1957.72
Dish 1957.73
Dish 1957.76
Dish 1959.40.a&b
Dish - From the Bessie Mitchell Dollhouse 1968.735.117
Dishes 1964.169
Dishes 1964.170
Dog Figurine 1992.263.12
Doily 1993.6.3 d
Doily 1993.6.3 c
Doily 1982.78
Doily C1974.304
Doily 1993.6.3 g
Doily 1993.6.3 j
Doily 1993.6.3 k
Doily 1993.6.3 l
Doily 1993.6.3 m
Doily 1993.6.3 n
Doily 1993.6.3 o
Doily 1993.6.3 p
Doll 1957.43
Doll 1968.2
Doll 1968.6
Doll 1968.40
Doll 1968.48.a&b
Doll 1968.54
Doll 1968.112
Doll 1968.501.a-c
Doll 1968.528
Doll 1968.529
Doll 1982.120
Doll 1989.25.a&b
Doll 1989.26
Doll 1989.27
Doll 1989.28.a&b
Doll 1989.29.a&b
Doll 1989.30.a&b
Doll 1989.31.a&b
Doll 1989.32
Doll 1989.33.a&b
Doll 1989.34
Doll 1989.35
Doll 1989.36
Doll 1989.37
Doll 1989.38
Doll 1989.39
Doll 1989.40
Doll 1989.73
Doll 1989.74
Doll 1989.76
Doll 1989.85
Doll 1989.84
Doll 1989.78
Doll 1989.94
Doll 1968.67
Doll 1968.71
Doll 1968.506
Doll 1968.739
Doll 1968.79
Doll 1968.89
Doll 1968.104
Doll 1968.108
Doll Accessory 1968.467
Doll Clothes-Shoes 1968.78.a&b
Doll Clothing 1968.74
Doll Clothing 1968.83
Doll Clothing 1968.95.a&b
Doll Clothing 1968.98
Doll Clothing 1968.102
Doll Dress 1968.497
Doll Hat 1968.471
Doll Roller Skates 1968.468.a&b
Doll Shoes 1968.470.a&b
Doll Slip 1968.495
Doll Slip 1968.496
Doll Wardrobe 1968.469.a&b
Doll - From the Bessie Mitchell Doll House 1968.735.133
Doll - From the Bessie Mitchell Dollhouse 1968.735.21
Doll - From the Bessie Mitchell Dollhouse 1968.735.78
Doll - From the Bessie Mitchell Dollhouse 1968.735.79
Doll - From the Bessie Mitchell Dollhouse 1968.735.80
Doll Accessory 1968.457
Doll Accessory 1968.458
Doll Accessory 1968.459
Doll Accessory 1968.462
Doll Accessory 1968.463
Doll Accessory - Hat 1968.505
Doll Accessory (Brush) 1968.456
Doll Bed 1974.16.9
Doll Blanket 1968.625
Doll Carriage 1964.156
Doll Carriage 1968.619
Doll Carriage 1968.620
Doll Carriage 1968.621
Doll Chair 1968.523
Doll Clothing 1968.7.a&b
Doll Clothing 1968.41.a&b
Doll Clothing 1968.45
Doll Clothing 1968.55
Doll Clothing 1968.57.a&b
Doll Clothing 1968.454.a&b
Doll Clothing 1968.455.a&b
Doll Clothing 1968.460
Doll Clothing 1968.461
Doll Clothing 1968.464.a&b
Doll Clothing 1968.466
Doll Clothing 1968.508
Doll Clothing 1968.509
Doll Clothing 1968.510
Doll Clothing 1968.513
Doll Clothing 1968.514
Doll Clothing 1968.518
Doll Clothing 1968.522
Doll Clothing 1968.525
Doll Clothing 1968.526
Doll Clothing 1968.532
Doll Clothing 1968.535
Doll Clothing 1968.536
Doll Clothing 1968.538
Doll Clothing 1968.46
Doll Clothing - Housecoat 1968.490
Doll Clothing - Bib 1968.91
Doll Clothing - Bib 1968.92
Doll Clothing - Bib 1968.93
Doll Clothing - Blouse 1968.88.a
Doll Clothing - Blouse 1968.101
Doll Clothing - Bonnet 1968.12
Doll Clothing - Bonnet 1968.25
Doll Clothing - Bonnet 1968.512
Doll Clothing - Bonnet 1981.75
Doll Clothing - Collar 1968.486
Doll Clothing - Corset 1989.93
Doll Clothing - Dress 1968.5
Doll Clothing - Dress 1968.10
Doll Clothing - Dress 1968.14
Doll Clothing - Dress 1968.24
Doll Clothing - Dress 1968.32
Doll Clothing - Dress 1968.39
Doll Clothing - Dress 1968.50
Doll Clothing - Dress 1968.53
Doll Clothing - Dress 1968.58
Doll Clothing - Dress 1968.70
Doll Clothing - Dress 1968.76
Doll Clothing - Dress 1968.111
Doll Clothing - Dress 1968.113
Doll Clothing - Dress 1968.472
Doll Clothing - Dress 1968.473
Doll Clothing - Dress 1968.474
Doll Clothing - Dress 1968.475
Doll Clothing - Dress 1968.479
Doll Clothing - Dress 1968.480
Doll Clothing - Dress 1968.485
Doll Clothing - Dress 1968.487
Doll Clothing - Dress 1968.491
Doll Clothing - Dress 1968.493
Doll Clothing - Dress 1968.521
Doll Clothing - Dress C1974.124
Doll Clothing - Dress 1982.44
Doll Clothing - Dress 1982.49
Doll Clothing - Fur Muff 1968.34
Doll Clothing - Fur Stole 1968.35
Doll Clothing - Gloves 1973.5.1 b
Doll Clothing - Hat 1968.36
Doll Clothing - Hat 1968.481
Doll Clothing - Hat 1968.483
Doll Clothing - Hat 1968.488
Doll Clothing - Hat 1989.96
Doll Clothing - Jacket 1968.90
Doll Clothing - Jacket 1989.95
Doll Clothing - Neck Scarf 1968.48
Doll Clothing - Nightgown 1968.484
Doll Clothing - Nightshirt 1968.531
Doll Clothing - Pantaloons 1968.8
Doll Clothing - Pantaloons 1968.15
Doll Clothing - Pantaloons 1968.29
Doll Clothing - Pantaloons 1968.59
Doll Clothing - Pantaloons 1968.68
Doll Clothing - Pantaloons 1968.73
Doll Clothing - Pantaloons 1968.82
Doll Clothing - Pantaloons 1968.109
Doll Clothing - Pantaloons 1968.115